вторник, 21 февраля 2017 г.

                                                 My cat Nusha 

My cat Nusha is a cat found in a
    Swedish forest,she is really cool but
sometimes annoying :p . For example,When i am doing my annoying
   homework, she jumps up the table
and starts convincing me to give her food
                             even tho she ate like 19 mins ago but of course i say "NO YOU ALREADY ATE 19 MINS AGO!'' so Nusha HAS to do something horrible,so what she does is ripe my homework or sits on my homework,but dont even  get me started with what elese she does.

This is Nusha eating my food . Its MY food not her food but Nusha
        dosent care a tiny bit about that she is eating my food .  I was eating  Russian food which is called '' Сырники '', i was verry happy to eat that
     until Nusha took a bite with out caring .

See,this is what i mean that Nusha is annoying but she still is cute and adorable . And she is my cat and not just a random street cat,she was born
      in a Swedish forest, and they found her in 2012,March 3 and i got her on my birthday.

This is Nusha sleeping on my bed with my homework. Remember what i told you about Nusha riping my
homework in pieces? Yes this is exactly what Nusha is doing here but she fell a sleep half way.
Nusha really loves to make me annoyed
and angry for fun. This is what Nusha does all day.
 1. Eat

Nusha is an indoor cat because when i went outside and Nusha almost ran away,that was the most
scariest moment of my life.


This is Nusha siting next to me when i was
drinking tea. So later i got bored and took my phone     out and took a picture of Nusha. But Nusha was just like ''Stop taking pictures of me, i came here to sleep with you,not to be some kinda fat model''

  This is what happen on Christmas, me and my class went to a cafe party thing. So at the end of the party came Santa (EVERYONE KNEW THAT HE IS FAKE) and Santa gave everyone big buckets of sweets, so when i went home to get ready for New Year i put all my sweets on my bed and went to take a bath, when i came back Nusha was buried in my candy and sweets. Luckely she didnt eat any. 

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